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Work Title
Begun in 1990, returned to and completed in 1992. Premiered in New York, July 23, 1992.
Ensemble Type
Work Length
30 minutes
For any way of producing sounds. Can be performed as a solo (first player's part) with One (EP 67208).
This work was later used as music for the choreographed piece by Merce Cunningham originally entitled Tune In/Spin Out (later Rondo, and still later and ultimately, Installations). In Cage’s work, performers on unspecified instrumentation choose twelve different sounds each, with fixed amplitude, overtone structure, etc., and play within flexible time brackets. The first player’s part may also be performed as a solo, thus entitled One7.
Pauline Oliveros to celebrate her sixtieth birthday and for Joan La Barbara, William Winant and Leonard Stein One7 dedicated: Pauline Oliveros on her sixtieth birthday
Peters Edition EP 67469