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Song Books
Alt. Title
Solo for Voice
Alt. Title
Composed in 1970. Premiered in Paris, October 26, 1970.
Ensemble Type
For solo voice.
Publications listed above are for instructions (EP 6806), Volume 1: 3-58 (EP 6806a), and Volume 2: 59-92 (EP 6806b). The solos comprising this work may be sung with or without other indeterminate music, e.g. Rozart Mix or Concert for Piano and Orchestra. Any number of solos may be performed in any order and any superimpositions may be effected. Each solo belongs to one of the following categories: 1) Song. 2) Song using electronics. 3) Theatre. 4) Theatre using electronics. Each solo is relevant or irrelevant to the subject: "We connect Satie with Thoreau". The texts are by Henry David Thoreau, Friedrich Schiller, and others. Some solos may be performed separately: No.22; No. 49 "The Year Begins To Be Ripe"; No. 52 "Aria No.2"; No. 67; No. 79; and possibly others.
Cathy Berberian and Simone Rist (Solos for Voice 3-92)
Peters Edition EP 6806, EP 6806a, EP 6806b